Sunday, February 6, 2011

an affair to remember

Oh... what's this?  More duckling pictures!

ducklings try to eat my dandelion

Yosef's new chicken house...
these ladies live in the lap of luxury
(this is just where they roost, they're free range of course)

Midge and Mars keep an eye on the fire to evenly heat the oven for pizza night!
P.S. I planted the new lettuce in front of the school house

Midge's sweet jungle bicycle complete with new parrot horn.

Midge falling off her bicycle because it's THAT much fun.

Casey practices his ninja moves while a pretty lady sneaks up behind him.

Midge and Laurel pose for their bicycle and sun dress photo shoot.
Check out that sweet path beneath their feet!

Ronald strikes a pose while lassie looks as if she's ready for dinner.

Buddy pics!  It feels like summer as we wait in anticipation for pizza.

Love it! love your heart veggie style.

the New York special 

Sarah MADE this ridiculously awesome sweater, AND she gave it to me!


A lovely, and pizza-rific, evening.

Cleanin' some cogs in Albert's Bike Shack
(our bike repair shed at the farm).

Nothing like a little Oatmeal Stout to keep true while truing.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

a hard earned Friday

The man with the master plan lays out his vision of the "creek pillow".

Joseph's new ducklings are along to help with the days duties!
Or perhaps they're just in it for a dip.

We dump several buckets of rocks that we've been collecting from vegetable patches into the creek to build the pillow.  Our farmer teaches us to use all the resources the land offers us; we don't need large rocks in our gardens, but they help slow the flow of creeks so that the earth may reabsorb more water and nutrients before they are carried away.

Lots of booties were needed for this job!

More of the ducklings lingering on the creek shore;
we needed their booties too!

The rocks are wrapped in some old scrap wire so that the current doesn't disperse them.
Kind of like a big burrito... or... a pillow!

 The day was well rewarded with veggie burritos from the taco truck, the best chips money can buy, and a ridiculous amount of cookies.  $1.69 at Groc-Out.  Hot deal!